Modern Technology
Heart Peacemaker
The heart peacemaker is one of the most admirable inventions of medical technology. Today, its advanced versions are successfully and easily implemented.
The heart, in other words, is the battery of the body and if the heart stops, the body cannot continue its vital functions. Pumping the blood is not only important in terms of transmitting the oxygen, vitamins and minerals needed for the nutrition of the organs, each heartbeat also creates the vital energy for the body. This energy creates an electrical wave. The pulse, in this context, is the beats we receive as a result of this electrical wave resonating throughout the body, and it indicates that the person is alive.
Aging, genetic reasons, a stressful life, heart diseases caused by any reason or structural heart disorders can cause rhythm disturbances or stuttering in the electrical fluctuations of the heart. In such cases, the peacemakers are used to support the heart.
What is the Heart Peacemaker?
It is a kind of support mechanism consisting of a generator and electrodes placed in the body to stimulate the heart and ensure its regular beat in case of irregular and unexpected disruptions during the heart’s work.
Among the types of heart peacemakers, which are basically evaluated in two main groups, temporary peacemakers and permanent peacemakers, permanent peacemakers are divided among themselves according to the number of electrodes as follows:
- Single-electrode VVIR pacemaker
- Dual-electrode DDDR pacemaker
- CRT / Biventricular pacemaker consisting of three electrodes
- Cardioverter defibrillator ICD implanted pacemaker
Why is a Pacemaker Implanted
Heart peacemakers is implanted to support the regular functioning of the heart and pumping enough blood in cases such as heart failure, sudden rhythm disorders that are life-threatening.
The interruption of communication between the sinus node and the chambers of the heart causes the heart to slow down, which is known as heart failure. At this point, the pacemaker ensures that the heart receives the necessary stimulation and works in the rhythm it should.
Heart Peacemaker Surgery
Pacemaker surgery has, by using the angiography method, evolved into a simple operation performed with closed heart surgery.
How is Heart Peacemaker implanted?
By entering through a small incision made under the collarbone or through the groin, Electrodes/cables covered with a special sheaths are sent to the targeted chameber of the heart and are connected to the generator. After the system is tested, the battery is placed in the pocket area inside the opened incision and the incision is closed.
The pacemaker is performed in the angiography unit under local or general anesthesia. The process is completed in an average of 30-45 minutes. After the pacemaker is implanted, the patient is kept under observation overnight. The patient can return to his normal life in 10-15 days.