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Genital AesthetIcs

Male Genital Aesthetics

When genital aesthetics is mentioned, the one that usually comes to mind is female genital aesthetics. However, in recent years, the number of aesthetic operations in the male genital area has increased. As a result of developing aesthetic possibilities, deformations in the genital areas have become undesirable for people. These deteriorations can occur congenitally as well as later on. Undesirable images in this area cause lack of self-confidence during sexual intercourse, as well as create risky situations in terms of health. 

What are Male Genital Aesthetics Operations?

The most frequently applied operation in male genital aesthetics is penis lengthening. Another frequently applied operation is penis enlargement. These two problems are problems that negatively affect or are thought to affect success in sexual intercourse, and therefore can lead to serious psychological trauma. While the length of the penis can be extended with the intervention in the head area, the penis enlargement operation is performed with parts taken from any part of the body. The operations that are frequently performed in male genital aesthetics are listed as follows;

  • Penis lengthening 
  • Penis enlargement
  • Liposuction
  • Penis Rejuvenation

Who is Eligible to Have a Male Genital Aesthetic Surgery?

The main reason for the increase in demand in male genital aesthetic surgery is the lack of self-confidence experienced during sexual intercourse. Therefore, the demands of young men are higher than other age groups. However, there is something to be aware of here: The growth and development period of men sometimes lasts up to 20-22 years. For this reason, it would not be the right choice to perform male genital aesthetic operations at a very early age. Apart from this, every male individual who does not have a serious health problem can prefer these operations.

What Should Be Done Before Male Genital Aesthetics?

Before male genital aesthetics, a strong communication should be established between the patient and the physician. The patient’s expectations from the operation they want to be performed should be accurately informed to the physician. On the other hand, the physician should inform the patient in detail about both the operation and the post-operative process. Other important issues to be done before the operation can be listed as follows;

  • The use of blood thinners such as aspirin should be stopped at least one week before the operation.
  • The use of alcohol and tobacco products should be stopped for one week before the operation.
  • The physician should be informed about past medical procedures and chronic diseases.
  • In the last week, regular nutrition should be paid attention. 

How is Male Genital Aesthetic Operation Performed?

Male genital area aesthetic operations can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the procedure to be performed. The duration of the operations performed and the extent of the surgical intervention are the determining factors of the anesthesia method. 

What Should Be Done After Male Genital Aesthetics Operation?

Although male genital area aesthetic operations are performed with anesthesia, they are not serious surgical interventions. For this reason, it is possible to be discharged on the day of the operation. However, it is possible to provide care under observation at the hospital for one night, depending on the physician’s request or the patient’s pain threshold. In order for the operation to be successful, the care to be taken in the post-operative period is extremely important. Especially in the first few weeks, all risks should be avoided in the area where the operation is performed. The main points to be followed after the male genital area aesthetic operation can be listed as follows;

  • The operated area should be kept clean against complications and infections.
  • Heavy exercises should be avoided in the first two weeks.
  • It should not be moved in such a way that weight is placed on the groin area. 
  • Alcohol and tobacco use should be avoided for rapid recovery.
  • Light exercises such as walking should be performed to increase blood circulation. 
  • During the six-week period after the operation, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

After all these precautions are followed, the operation is successfully completed in a period of six months. 


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