Modern Technology
Radiofrequency Applications
Radiofrequency applications are the methods performed by using different light and energy values and are used in many areas of medical science, alongside playing an active role in curing low back, neck, and back pain.
Which Disorders Are Radiofrequency Applications Good For?
Common causes of low back and neck pain are mostly caused by hernia and disc ailments or degeneration of the facet joints. The degeneration of the facet joints, which are important points for the health and functioning of the spine, damages the ability to move and negatively affects daily life. The radiofrequency application is a treatment method to prevent these degenerations on the facet joints.
How is Radiofrequency Application Performed?
Radiofrequency application is the treatment performed by neutralizing the nerves located on the facet joints. These pain-causing nerves are deactivated by degeneration. According to the x-ray results taken from the patient, damaged areas are detected, and local anesthesia is applied to these areas. Tubes called cannulas are placed in the damaged area through a small channel opened in the body. These inserted tubes ensure that the nerves causing pain are, with computer control, inactivated by high temperatures.
What are the Risks of Radiofrequency Application?
The radiofrequency application creates no special risk. It is performed with local anesthesia. Since the operation is performed in a region far from the spinal cord structure and organs, it does not pose any risk.
What are the Advantages of Radiofrequency Application?
Radiofrequency applications are tremendously advantageous because general anesthesia is not applied, and the treatment is performed in a small area. Following the facet joint operations performed with the surgical operation, the patient takes a break from her daily life for a few weeks and continues her life the next day with the radiofrequency application. Thanks to the developing heat and light technologies, the patient enters a much faster recovery process. The operation usually takes between twenty and thirty minutes.
When is Radiofrequency Application Effective?
The pain begins to decrease within a week after the operation. During this period, the regular use of drugs increases the benefit of the operation. The positive effects of the operation continue for about a year. Regular exercise and losing weight also contribute a great amount of help to the process. If necessary, the operation can be repeated.